OUR STUDENTS The Focus of our Efforts


With an increasingly interconnected world, it is crucial that the students of today learn the skills of tomorrow. Seeing as how being bilingual is seen as a huge advantage in many industries, it is becoming a valuable skill to acquire.

Through our primary tutoring service, we offer an opportunity for underprivileged students to excel in their education. 

Students will have the opportunity to connect with university students from some of the best universities of the world and have an excellent opportunity to further their education. Through an online platform such as WhatsApp, Zoom, Skype, or any other free software, students will be able to connect with our tutors and be aided in the subject of thier choice.The tutoring will be a 1 to 1 ratio, to ensure that every student is well accommodated with their needs.



The program will primarily occur online. Many of our students come from very impoverished areas, so internet connection may be a problem. If this appears to be a problem we will try our best to create an alternative program for these special cases.

Every week,  students will be required to meet with their assigned tutor for exactly one hour. During these sessions, our tutors will be helping students learn basic English in an organized and consistent manner. Every week, our tutors will guide students through several exercises to help them understand English better.


On the very first session, our tutors will conduct a basic placement test with our students. This is to gauge the student’s level of command of the English language.

The test will provide the tutor a score of the student’s level of English. This score will be used to create an individualized learning plan for that particular student.

Because many of our students are using smartphones for their tutoring, a lot of them will likely not be able to access this website. If this is the case our tutors will be guiding the students through the placement test using the screen sharing feature on ZOOM. They will ask each student to read the question, and then decide on an answer. The tutor will then put down that answer on the student’s behalf.


At the beginning of each session, our tutors will ask each of our students if they require help with class assignments. This is an opportunity for our students to be able to present class assignments, or concepts that they found confusing to our tutors.

The tutors will help guide the students through these assignments in a collaborative manner. We make sure that our tutors do not directly answer questions on class assignments. Instead, our tutors are trained to carefully guide each student to find the correct answer on their own.


If a student does not require help with school assignments, then our tutors will move on to their syllabus.

Each week the tutors will help guide the students through a basic reading, writing or grammar exercise. Our tutors have been trained to begin each lesson by summarizing a concept, and then proceed by having students practice that concept through worksheets or assignments.

With the help of these exercises and the guidance of our tutors, each student will eventually be able to speak fluent English!


At the end of each lesson, our tutors will create a running log of the material that was taught to our students. This log will be shared with each student so that they can refer to it later. 

Our tutors will use the last 10 minutes of each lesson to fill out this log in front of the student. This will serve as a good recap for the student, and a subsequent source of reference.

Student Requirements


In order to be eligible for our program, each student must demonstrate that they meet two basic requirements:

First, they must have a running internet connection during each tutoring session. Unfortunately, without an internet connection, there will be no way for our tutors to contact our students. This is why it is necessary to have one.

Secondly, students must be able to demonstrate reasonable fluency in English; they must be able to speak and understand very basic English. As most of our tutors primarily communicate through English, this requirement is essential for our tutoring service to work. 

We understand that some students may be concerned that their level of English is not proficient for enrolling in our program. However, we assure our students that as long as they can somewhat understand basic English, this will not be a problem. As long as our tutors can reasonably understand our students, you do not need to worry about this requirement. We acknowledge that many of our students are non-native English speakers, and will struggle to speak and understand English. Hence, we are very flexible with this requirement.